As of right now, iv completely moved away from any DC spell, as i find the hit chances are FAR lower than the melee/ranged attacks because of how easy it is to have advantage on these attacks, while the only way to improve hit chance on a DC spell is to lower enemy saving throw with bane (which is itself a DC spell) so that's really not worth the efforts

I think there are a few ways to look at this issue

1) when you have advantage over your target, causes them to have disadvantage on saving throws

2) make it harder to have advantage on melee/ranged attacks all the time

3) generally make DCs higher, like everything gets +2 or something

4) add in more ways to cause enemies to have disadvantage on saving throw, and via means that do not requier saving throw themselves

I know there is a pair of gloves that allow you to apply bane on enemies you attack but i don't believe it's addressing the main issue with DCs/saving throw as a general imbalance compared to ranged/melee attacks