So... yeah elves come from the Feywild yada yada yada... none of that explains why elves can't have features which set them apart ethnically. The Feywild is a "wild" mirror of the Prime Material Plane is it not? So the elves/eladrin/fey whatever that come from the equator of that reflection (the tropics) are going to look different than the elves who come from the far north. Just as humans do who have developed in different parts of the world. This is why "Asian" or "African" looking elves are just as valid as any other sort of elf. Same goes for dwarves, halflings, etc.

I agree - give them more delicate, angular features. Make them look less human - but I still guarantee an elf from the desert, who's people have lived their for millennia, will look different than elves from a temperate forest.

There's really no argument in my mind against the existence of elves with features other than caucasian.