Originally Posted by mfr
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
I know nude mods will be one of the first ones to be made, there's always someone out there that will make one, Rule 34 exists for a reason.

AlanaSP got in first, though I have seen a screen save showing a PC wearing only a posing pouch! The poster was querying why the character's face was not the same as his body colour. Well, I got a laugh out of it.

I just managed to unintentionally do the same thing by trashing one of the lsf files; seems the conversion process isn't quite there yet, though I can't reasonably complain as it's very early days!

Originally Posted by Horrorscope
I haven't picked up BG3 yet, DOS2 tools were better, but in DOS1 we could unpack say the numbers, change them and repack and overwrite. I bet there is a good chance that still works today and with that someone could probably do a lot of 5e tweaks that are being discussed. Larian probably rather us not do that right now, but I'd bet donuts to dollars it's there to be had as it sits now. Hmm... might have to look around see what some are up to.

It still works, though I probably shouldn't be encouraging anyone either...

J'aime le fromage.