Originally Posted by Orbax
Originally Posted by LookingforBG
This is a feedback forum right? This is my feedback. The derivative elements of DOS are badly integrated. This is my opinion, deal with it

and just to check, your solve for it was live combat? It is really hard to imagine them doing that because of their ai. Its subjective but I feel like when its their turn a list a mile long of checks starts going down "Are there explosive materials in the area? Are you in range? are the PCs in range of the explosion? Are you? Are other explosives in range of the explosion? are you in the range of that explosion?" and its doing this environment checkdown and I dont even know if its possible live play. Ive seen them do a few things where I was just like wow...how did you think of that. If environment got de-prioritized for combat I think itd go a *lot* faster.

Well yeah, the game is currently structured around the turn-based environment that Larian basically decided from the start they were going to do. The AI is what it is and I dont need to state the obvious, but the number of checks you refer to are what clog the battles up in my opinion. The live play suggestion is mostly a beckoning to the more traditional BG games where you could commit your actions while paused during battle and they would be executed simultaneously. However, with the current battle mechanic, all the pathfinding, the environment effects, the rolls, this sort of computation is out of bounds currently. We are essentially stuck with the turn based mess, which again is a reference to my initial post. But essentially I agree with portions of your reply, the environment being de-prioritized would be a start in the right direction.

Last edited by LookingforBG; 17/10/20 06:29 PM.