Actually Argonaut, Alodar's response is quite accurate, and your comment is rather obnoxious and arrogant. You asked how does BG3 compare to BG2 and he noted, quite correctly, that nobody has played BG3. Had you asked how does the current early access version of BG3 similar to, and different from BG2, you would perhaps be posing a viable question. You cannot compare an unfinished, essentially beta test version of a product to a product that was not only finished and polished, but modified out the wazoo for years with enough options to satisfy any palate.

There is a difference between seeking comparative data, and opinion. Data is System A operated in this fashion, system B operated in that fashion. Opinion is which someone preferred. Critique is a combination of both of those, plus an offering of alternatives that might resolve any disparity or disjunction between Data and Preferences.

It also appears that whenever someone offers an opinion that differs from yours, you want them to justify their opinion. That suggests you merely seek affirmation of your position, rather than someone's personal critique.