Originally Posted by Argyle
How does a 1st or 2nd level character ever get a 95% hit chance in the first place?

His overall attack bonus is 2 smaller than the opposition's armor class, e.g. he needs to roll a 2 to hit. Which witout advantage/disadvantage is a 95% chance.

An example of this would be right from the first (tutorial) fight. Lae'zel at the start has an overall attack bonus of +5 on her melee, the opponents an armor class of 7. Converted to THAC0, with a level 1 THAC0 of 20 it would be the same as hitting an opponent with an AC of 18 (I know that'd be terribad, but this is an altogether different edition with a very different to-hit progression, and Larian have nerfed some ACs -- perhaps in an attempt to make the chances to hit actually higher than in the tabletop, e.g. less complaining..).


"You miss a lot in D&D—if the dice are bad, you miss," he says. "That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit. Our approach has been implementing it as pure as we can, and then just seeing what works and what doesn't. Stuff that doesn't work, we start adapting until it does."

Well, that doesn't seem to have worked. laugh

Originally Posted by WumpusRat

I've also noticed FAR too many occasions where when attacking from advantage, if I check the die roll for the miss, it will be 3. Not 1-2, not 4-10. 3. 99% of the time, it's a 3. To me, that seems like something's broken. Not only does it mean that rolling 2d20 my highest number was a 3, but it's CONSISTENTLY 3.

Your copy seems to be broken. laugh On a serious note, go on, write it all down, you're going to be surprised.

Last edited by Sven_; 20/10/20 05:43 PM.