First off, I'm really enjoying the game. Kudos to Larian for bringing such a vivid depiction of D&D with lots of stakes and stories.

Okay, so I've browsed some of the threads here and there's lots of people taking the 'it's not 5E OMG OMG' stance and lots of people just saying that it's fine because it's a video game. I'd like to suggest some subtle changes to some of the things that I noticed during my playing (given I'm only like 26 hours in between 2 characters). This is my duty as a keyboard warrior to perform armchair game design, take the feedback as you will, but I intend no offense to the game developers, they did a fine job so far.

Burning/Elemental effects. Have burning apply it to an enemy if they get hit by a fire spell, and the ground if no enemy is targeted (or an AOE spell is used). This shouldn't be too hard to implement. Same goes for things like acid splash and even Ray of Frost (which as far as I can tell doesn't have an AOE at this time). Also increase the hit box sizes a bit, I often find it's hard to target enemies.

Web - It's flammable but it was never a major source of damage- the flammability was a way of getting out of the web spell not a nuke.

Tone down the number of barrels. Sure you can still put containers here and there, but suggesting that oil is a commodity in D&D that requires vast quantities to be stored in the open near lots of bad people is kind of strange. D&D is about logical scenarios being fabricated in a fantastical setting.

Jump - I'd like to see a percentage chance and a dice roll for jump checks. Failing to roll high enough should result in a tumble, maybe some damage, maybe not making the jump. This has been a thing in D&D since 3rd edition as far as I know.

Magic Missile is a guaranteed hit - That's why the damage is so low. I've seen missiles get 'blocked by terrain'. This is not how they're supposed to work.

Action economy stuff.. You've heard it all before. My suggestion is make jump its own standard action (that provokes an attack of opportunity), add disengage as a standard action (and as a cunning action option for rogues), and make shove a standard action as well - and a failed shove could provoke an attack of opportunity (okay I'm embellishing a bit this is a house rule). I can see why you made them bonus actions, some classes just don't get a lot to do in the bonus action, but that's half the fun of building a character in D&D, finding ways to make your character more effective through optimizing your action economy.

Cantrip stuff - Eldritch blast/Firebolt deal more damage because the extra damage IS their secondary effect. Poison Splash secondary is dealing damage to an adjacent target (not an armor debuff). Thunderclap has lower damage because it could hit multiple targets. There seems to have been a lot of adjusting cantrips. Minor image is notoriously used by me in campaigns to create cover (suddenly a 4 foot wall sprouts up from the ground) or waste an enemies action (I create an image of myself attacking just before them - prompting their attack) - but this isn't possible with the current implementation. Prestidigitation is pretty much my favorite thing in D&D but it doesn't translate well to the perfectly clean and beautiful characters on the screen - so maybe make it grant a deception or perform skill bonus instead?

Anyways if you're still reading on I appreciate you. Thank you Larian for bringing this wonderful adaptation of my favorite tabletop RPG to my computer.