Originally Posted by Isaac Springsong
Also, for all the people saying 5e is bad.....can't help but notice you haven't been listing any game systems that do it *better*?

I could list several that I find better, but my opinion is not yours.

I generally use GURPS and that is my favourite at present, but have played too many systems to list. My first break from AD&D revelation was with Runequest 2e back in 1980/1, where I discovered the joys of separate attack, parry and block rolls, and armour that reduced damage rather than made you harder to hit. I used Phoenix Command many years ago, which was ultra-detailed but slow and painfully heavy on numbers. Chivalry and Sorcery was similarly very slow and heavy on numbers. At the other end of the scale I played Prince Valiant, where all challenges were resolved by throwing coins and counting heads and tails, and the higher number won.

Every game system has its critics, but you usually find one that you prefer, be that ultra detailed or ultra simplistic or anything in between. We all find our own balance.

Last edited by Sadurian; 21/10/20 10:23 AM.