Originally Posted by CMF
The companions already banter as you travel. If you are zooming around the map you ahead of your party you won't hear it though. It's not constant but it is there, and you can hear them distrust each other or comment on the destruction and gore around them.

I really don't need constant one liners though. That is off putting to me. I know some people are totally ecstatic to click on characters and hear them say "leave me alone" and then keep spamming them till they say something else. I remember NWN always hearing the thief saying "done is done" after every action I ask him to do. I don't need catch phrases, it's too cliche to me.

Rolling for stats in every game results in me constantly rerolling till I get what I want. The point buy system is superior in terms of getting the game going and still forcing weaknesses. I remember rolling for stats in champion of krynn and having +18 on almost every stat. That took hours of rerolling till I got what I wanted (I had to make sure my melee had 18 and then at least (50 over) how ever that rule was for AD&D for beyond human str).

Rest of the suggestions I guess are harmless but I feel are low hanging fruit that just panders. UI changes to look like old BG I think would be bad, but hotbar organization would be good. I do it manually now and you can change tabs to sort by spell type or what ever you want, but it isn't as clean as it could be.

Spell book? Like you want a spellbook in your inventory or when selecting spells you want it to have a UI that looks like a book? Again just cosmetics.

Music and logo? Already present. Music is already pretty over the top actually.

Banter ? Something like 5 times on 25 hours ?
They don't have to say things like "leave me alone" and they don't have to talk everytime you click on them...

But they HAVE to looks like characters and not only companions. The biggest part of the game is combats and exploration and they absolutely NEVER say a word during battles. Is that complicated to add a few sentences when they're dying/crit/kill an ennemies i.e ?

That's exactly why they feel so alive in BG1/2 and why everyone loved them despite their (very) short background/story/sidequest.
Their personnalities travelled with us during the whole game.
In BG3 they're just tools with a few side quest dialogs and a few sentences when you reach a point of interrest.
They didn't feel alive at all during the biggest part of the 25h.

About dice roll you want a constraint because you're not able to stop rolling... And I want to play how I want to.
Sometimes yes, I assume rolling again and again to have a badass character... And sometimes I assume rolling only once.
My fun doesn't have to suffer because you're not mentaly strong enough.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 24/10/20 08:27 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus