On this topic, I suggest that instead of the very unprobeable 3 rolls in a row the player must succeed, it would be cooler if, after one or two rolls, the player just had to make a choice (not random) where there is a consequence to the bonus you gain.

That consequences could vary depending on how much Wisdom that character has (again, not random. With less than 10 Wisdom, character has impact X. With Wisdom 12, impact Y).
These could be mild curses or insanities along with the Necromantic gifts awarded.

ps : I was lucky and fully past the book's rolls on the first try, with my Lolth-sworn Drow lady (the DCs were 1, 12 I think, then 16). I had the buffs Guidance and Resistance, but not sure they applied (nothing said they did).

Last edited by Baraz; 25/10/20 02:58 AM.