Originally Posted by Aurgelmir
Not criticizing the characters we have now, to be honest (Although Lae'zels armor is too nice for her to be that mean... just saying)

I just want a bigger range of party characters. Right now the two possible party characters we have seen is Halsin and Minthara. Another Happy and nice guy, and a mean and *itchy woman.
(There's some others that could be party characters that I've met)

It would also be nice to have more party member choices, since your party becomes very "same face"

not sure I agree about the last part, but it's no biggie. Regarding more party members, it ism ore than likely we will have more. but how many and who is still largely a mystery (there are very well established theories though)

Larian's Biggest Oversight, what to do about it, and My personal review of BG3 EA
"74.85% of you stood with the Tieflings, and 25.15% of you sided with Minthara. Good outweighs evil, it seems."