Originally Posted by denhonator
Originally Posted by SilverSaint

The problem with these threads is that it is basically impossible for them to actually do it with their current engine. You are, in essence, asking them to make a completely new game. It's not useful feedback at all.

What knowledge do you have of their engine that makes you say it's basically impossible?

There are several tutorials, I encourage you to research it yourself rather than relying on my paraphrase. But, in essence, the entire game occurs during turns, which are defined by second intervals outside of combat. Because the AI is, from the ground up, built around these turns. I looked it up and apparently some modders have managed to get the engine to allow real time combat, so I wasn't as informed as I wanted. However my impression of watching this is that the combat only works with basically auto-attacking when the engine is pushed like this and it's extremely glitchy-basically, targeting falls apart, particularly targeting of anything more complicated than the basic weapons.