To echo many of the opinions here, I strongly believe that the DCs should be shown in a more intuitive manner. Seeing a "low" DC and failing feels infinitely worse than failing against high DC, especially if the character I'm playing is proficient in the ability. In the latter case, I knew the difficulty of the challenge before me and tried anyway, thinking my character's training might help so failing isn't as bad a feeling.

I also believe that the DC for skill checks should be reflected in the bottom-right log so that we might be able to see just what it is we're fighting against.

Take the three Arcana checks on the sigils on the console where Shadowheart is kept on the nautiloid. My wizard with Arcana proficiency failed two of them with outcomes of 8 and 13 but passed with a 17. I could infer that the DC was 14+, but I wanted to check the log to be sure. However, instead of seeing my dice roll+modifiers vs. the DC, the log only displays the calculation that resulted in those outcomes. For example, the 13 came from the following calculation: 8 (rolled on the d20)-5 +2 (Proficiency Bonus)+3 (Intelligence Modifier) +5 (Arcana Modifiers [i.e. INT+Prof]). With everything else being labelled, the -5 was frustrating and confusing to see but I came to understand that it was necessary otherwise my bonuses would have been essentially added twice. But why? Why couldn't the log just be (my roll+Arcana Modifiers) or even (my roll+prof+INT) vs. DC? Seeing a MINUS felt bad. Worse yet, I still didn't know what I was fighting against; just that 13=fail.

I'm fine with failing rolls but at least show me WHY I failed. If I see that the DC is 14 and my roll and modifiers combined still fail that, then I know what I was trying to overcome. As it is currently, I only see the outcome: a number that says I failed with no indication as to what I failed to overcome. It's different than failing and not knowing the DC at a real tabletop as the DM could give you an explanation.