Day 4 & 5: EA

These were short days and I am a day late adding this. And I don't exactly remember all the names. smile sorry

I noticed the following:

After the druid joining me as a minion I go back out of the Worg Pens to the shattered sanctum I ask him to wait right outside the door. I ungroup my party and move out and get in combat to lure the mobs back to my group waiting in ambush. the druid gets in combat while I ask him to wait and he takes his turn on his own and summons a wolf. After that combat ends, I then ask him to start following me again and he transforms into a bear. I get in combat again and it starts to hang, the AI hangs, did not have this problem up until this point. IT finally allows me to take my turn and as a bear I have control over the druid now. It gets to the summoned wolves turn and the game completely stops responding after I use up the wolves attack and movement. I ended its turn but it will not do anything. I had to restart the game. The game loads right before that combat and the wolf is still summoned. So I decide to have the bear follow me, I wanted to attack the drow from from the ladder by the worg pens as I would be closer. I go over the ladder right outside the Worg pens to kill the Drow. The bear climbs the ladder with my group, no animation it looks like it just floats up and down the ladders.

Fighting the Drow Priest, easy fight compared to what I have come across everywhere else. Near the front entrance to the room there was a goblin at the top near a treasure chest. When it was aggroed and added to the combat it was able to shoot me with arrows through the environment. It was able to shoot through walls, columns, floors, etcetera and I was not able to shoot back as I was not able to see or my magic would hit the wall. Also I feel that they have a far superior range on their weapons compared to what range I have on my bows. I had to run my priest and mage all the way over near the Drow priests table to get the goblin to move out so I was able to kill it.

The summoned wolf was still there but not in combat, I believe it was just waiting. I went to fight some mobs outside the drow room. And the summoned wolf was in combat, the AI hanged a bit. But It does let me take my turn after a minute or so. So I run the wolf up and let it die. I didn't have any issues after that.

Next battle right at the beginning the AI is still hanging and I notice that it has the druid selected for me waiting for my turn to start. I hover over the hour glass that you click on to end turn. And I notice that it still shows the dead summoned wolf even though it is not part of the combat. After click end turn it seems to straighten out the AI hangs and I have not experienced it for the rest of the battle and the next 2 battles that were initiated.

The other mini-boss fights here were a bit tricky. Again it seems like everyone has some magic item to throw that catches things on fire or to throw your characters around and knock them off of ledges. The guy with the mace was hitting hard enough to 1 shot level 4 characters on his own. I had to restart because he used some AOE shout that knocked my druid a very far distance, off the back of a ledge to his death, and my mage the other direction down to where the spiders were. Even though he was initially engaged with my fighter he ran off just to do this move. I fell the game is programed to do these, I am going to be bold enough to say, gimmicky moves.

The priest fight was no different instead of having an AOE shout that knocked my characters the priest was just able to pick them up and throw them off ledges. repeatedly and every turn. Also it seems that every goblin in this area - Was doing AOE damage for way more than what my mage was able to do with the same spells. Thunderwave hitting for 22 damage. Seems overly difficult and gimmicky to make it artificially hard. Because on top of the magic users hitting very hard those that were not magic users were throwing AOE consumables and items at my characters.

So back to the halfling slave trader. After kill the goblin bosses the door was now open back there. And they became hostile to me. I had my characters standing outside the room and not too close. IT was full of wine and gun powered barrels,so I thought. yes now its mine turn to gimmick them. so I shot the barrels with a fire arrow and it killed them, and me, and caught half the priests room on fire. Seems like an overly large area and just another one of those, I felt as a hahah gotcha moments from the developers and making it artificially hard.

I know this post was more critical than my previous ones but I just feel this entire area was not put together very well and it utilizes bottle necks paired with everyone having AOE damage with ground affects that just makes it overly difficult on top of characters being able to 1 shot any one in my group. I swear that boss with the mace hit the druid for 30+ damage with one hit. Luckily it was the druid and not anyone else in my group or they would have been dead.

One last thing. The Warlock character that was out to kill Spike. I had him waiting up top over the priest room. And back where they were torturing someone, I killed Spike. Even though the lock was in my group he was angry with me because I killed Spike with out him, even though he was there. Spike ran off and I believe was pulled in to combat from someone that ran in to the room and Spike was not in the initial combat.

Last edited by Serax; 27/10/20 02:57 PM.