I think I'm just old. It took me 5 years to move from first ed to 2nd.

But in BG/BG2 all my humans were mainly dual class (except the pally's) and demi humans were all multi-classed.

My last playthrough was:

Human Pally
Dwarf Fighter/Cleric (multiclass)
Human Fighter 7 / Cleric (dualclass)
Elf F/M/T (Multiclass)
Human Fighter 7 / Mage (dualclass)
Human Fighter 7 /Mage (dualclass)

A lot of fighters in BG and a bit over on the healing in BG 2 but it was just a run through both games while bored last year.

For those about to point out that I am everyone in the party, solo run through's got boring for me well before TOB, especially when starting in BG 1.