Originally Posted by Orbax
Originally Posted by Riandor
Well Orbax if you feel that way, I’m not here to tell you you’re wrong. I mean my understanding of EA was to help out financially, get a shot at playing early and provide some feedback.

I don’t remember being promised anything in particular, but Larian did say multiple times they would gather and listen. The fact that no big announcement on issues has been made either way simply suggests to me they aren’t ready to discuss those items with us yet.

We’ve had some bug fixes, nothing else... Larian haven’t even added OR DISCUSSED the changes and additions we know will come (classes etc...), should we question those now too because they weren’t in either update?

Let’s not get our knickers in a twist eh?! I’ve worked in software development, I’ve seen nothing to make me concerned in any of their commutations “so far”.

I'm a Technical Solutions Architect that for almost two decades has done nothing but develop, deploy, and support enterprise applications for companies in the billions for annual rev. I do a heck of a lot better than these guys walking people through this stuff. Its a simple tactic - communicate a bunch so people don't ask you questions and repeat known issues. If users know what is up, the channel quiets down to new issues and everyone has more time to find and focus on the high priority issues. The level of effort is so low - that is what is blowing my mind. Can anyone say what this will look like in 2 weeks? 1? Thats crazy. Im at 250 hours into this right now, so it isn't like im flipping them the bird, but my submission rate has dropped to a tenth of the previous rate. If they care they can ask about something. The throw sht against the wall and see what sticks attitude isn't that much fun, ill just play the game and hope their in-game engine is giving them something useful as that is the only thing they are really acknowledging right now.

It’s crazy in your or even my world, but in the game’s industry it’s pretty much par for the course. I don’t know a single game, even when I was doing Alpha on Elite Dangerous and opening thread after thread, or closely following Cyberpunk 2077 that gave a weekly level of communication on what was coming. Anyone know how Diablo4 is shaping up?

If you take these forums, steam, Reddit and any others and glance at all the threads... that’s a metric ton of stuff to wade through. Bugs first, they’re happening, that feedback is being addressed. The rest? I think we can wait a little longer to see how Larian responds, no?

And no I’m not a Larian fanboy, I couldn’t get into DoS2 (though I might have preferred it on pc vs ps4).