Originally Posted by Vhaldez
Originally Posted by azarhal
Shadowheart's datamined voice lines. Lots of that stuff is clearly cut, many are narrative lines that aren't used anymore. Mix banter, combat barks, PC lines and her lines.

But so weird, but I'm not going to listen to 5.5 hours of it. Although I might, it's kinda hilarious with the way it's all mixed up + her snark.

There are spoilers of course.

"I've been rob again" (lol)

Reading someone's epitaph super flatly.

"You've doom us all!!!"

My favorite lines:
"If you break your promise, I'll kill you" (scary calm cold whisper)

"I dream of someone I'm very attracted to, and no...it wasn't you" (lol, the line in the EA is different)

"You're as loyal as pup, and twice as handsome"

She also has a line where she outright states that the Sharran circle in Baldur's Gate wiped her memories in order to have her carry out her mission of obtaining the Gith artifact and that upon completion of this mission her memories will be restored, so that theory is confirmed now.

Wasn't a theory, it's already available in the game if you play a Cleric of Shar, people just don't believe it because it doesn't match their theory of what she is.