Originally Posted by Firesnakearies
I agree that it's not hard, I just finished my first playthrough (100 hours, I'm a crazy person) and I never had a character die, never lost a fight, killed everything (not the druids or myconids), used no barrels or other cheesy stuff.

I do save scum some things, though. I save scum things that are based on my character's concept, like the things my character specializes in. So, my rogue is supposed to be very good at locks, traps, and social skills (took 16 in Charisma, plus proficiency in Persuasion and Deception). So when I fail at locks (more than a few times), trap disarm, or Persuasion or Deception, I save scum those. Everything else, I just let it ride as it goes.

I do want to play through with no save scumming, though. But I'll do it on a character who doesn't have any skills that I care about.

Indeed I have SS at time, but not often. Like when I have a 4+ Arcana check with my wizard(proficient, obviously), and failure means lots of innocents die, and I roll a 1.... Yea, that was just a bad dream.... :P

Originally Posted by Nezix
I had a very similar experience as @Emrikol, except I did some save scrumming just to explore some different outcomes.

When I do another playthrough (waiting for a few more patches to go through to iron out the bugs) I'll likely try something like you've outlined and not do any at all, minus some room for misclicks.
I also have this idea about not looting any containers that aren't either chests or quest/story related.

The bugs are going to be in here for a good while yet. Remember, we are playing the rough draft, and Larian has a long laundry list of fixes and changes to make. After every patch, at the very least, I start over, just to see what's been changed. smile