Originally Posted by Nicottia
anyone remember the 30/60 day limit to finish FO1? now that is panic attack inducing

Yes, that's the reason I only have like 20 hours on Fallout... And my above comments on time limits were written with Fallout in mind. I fear MotB, it's on my list, but I don't think I'm going to like the time mechanics.

Originally Posted by Nicottia
BG3 seems to take too much out of Bioware's Mass Effect and Dragon Age pages

This is what concerns me about BG3. It seems like D:OS/DA hybrid, not even D:OS/BG hybrid.

Originally Posted by Nicottia
I barely remember what DAI had, my brain is repressing the memories

Would you happen to be another victim of DA:I disappointment? wink

Originally Posted by Nicottia
It obviously would be quite amazing if we got to see the townsfolk move about their lives depending on the time of day, but that I'm betting, would be too hopeful.

NPC schedules (basic, day/night, it's no TES with NPC taking weekly trips) would be indeed amazing. The world would feel like less of a setpiece.