Originally Posted by Nicottia
Would you want to romance Halsin if he was an old wizened dude like Larian had planned him to be? He was supposed to be a Deckard Cain kind of figure (I do hope you are familiar with Diablo franchise, if not.. then bad luck), he was supposed to be this really old archdruid, not this super hunky Hulk-wanna-be elf dude really. If the answer is yes, then fine. But... the way I see the story unfold, I think he's not gonna survive past the Moonrise Towers. Just a hunch really. But who knows, from what I've heard Larian is shocked at the thirst for Halsin, so maybe he'll live and you'll get your wishes. Same way some Minthara fanboys might get theirs.

As for Minsc, I personally was hoping that he'd remain a pure, un-tadpoled ranger that everyone knows and loves, not a love interest AND an origin character... hell, Boo is Minsc's one true love. It is known. His witches are like his daughters/siblings, so no, I don't want Minsc as a romance option, again another stupid idea of Larian that I'm hoping they might reconsider.

Hell, as a Gorion's ward, all I saw in Minsc is what I saw in Imoen, a step-sibling we never had, not a boyfriend. And it's all I'm gonna see in Minsc if Larian sticks to their stupid origin story for Minsc. A friend, good friend, not a fuck boy. I don't understand whatever happened to actual companions? Henchmen? Hirelings? Why does everyone have to be a playable origin story suddenly? In BG1/2 you had premade characters you could choose for a protagonist, but you would never actually meet them in game, if you chose to create your own, whatever happened to that design? I know it's an old game design, but old doesn't equal bad.

Also, sorry for this rant in the spoiler. wink

Yes they are definitely aware that some players are thirsty for Halsin.
I don't think there is a space to romance Halsin in the 1st Act regardless... At least not without going to the Moonrise Towers - personally I don't think that he will die there.
They would need to add some development between him and the MC. Minthara jumping you makes sense at that point, especially for drow. He is a druid, that you just rescued - or defended his grove.
There is not much reason for romance there - other than the godly body.
I am personally not even sure, if I trust him, but most of the characters have me thinking twice about their intentions; I think that's definitely a positive.

I also really don't understand the decision to have Minsc romanceable, but I will shut up about it, because in the end it's just an option. In my head it wouldn't be canon.

As for henchmen/hirelings in some shape and form are coming; I believe they said they'd look into it, I don't think it's confirmed - but even if it was somehow missing on full release, mods are probably going to fix that pretty quick...

Last edited by Vamathi; 31/10/20 07:58 AM.

“There is only one thing we say to Death:
Not today.”