Originally Posted by pinklily

Nice--thanks for putting that together. How on earth is he the most romanced character when you have to through all that to trigger it?? Some dedicated or lucky people. I'm surprised he would tempt you to cheat, but I suppose that early in the game he assumes you can't be serious about anybody. But, seriously Gail, way to stir up some intercamp drama.

Good question, I was also asking myself that very same question. I think a lot of people were resting like madmen all the time, chatting up companions and had it happen by accident? I dunno. But yeah, when Gale proposed I cheat on Astarion my jaw dropped and my opinion of him plummeted down. No sir, I don't swing that way.

Originally Posted by pinklily

I'm at least hoping we get the option with Astarion. Zevran, for example, seemed to be open to bringing others into the relationship but also seemed to respect the player's boundaries if they weren't into to that. (You could have a four-way with him, Isabella, and Leliana. So, I guess Leliana was open too.) I'd be fine with that--as long as we get the option for an exclusive relationship. Then everyone wins. Polies can have their poly. Monies can have their monogamy. I feel like the game only really needs one character that's fully non-monogamous. And we know the romanceable females will have good options since Shadowheart is already there and the other two unconfirmed ladies are supposed to be the "good" aligned options.

Astarion at least has some promising moments so far. He has a few moments of vulnerability that make me think he'll have a good redemption arc. *crosses fingers*

Oh yes, I remember that foursome scene with Zevran. I romanced him only once, all other times I went for Alistair (btw hardened Alistair could be persuaded to a threesome with Isabella lol), what again makes me surprised that I love Astarion so much, since um, most of the characters I romanced in most games were the paladin types, lawful goodish, and then there is the outlier - our vamp boy Astarion, then again, you can only romance Annoyman (Anomen from BG2, I like calling him Annoyman wink ) so many times without getting seriously pissed at yourself. If only Haer'Dalis was romancable... speaking of which he has the same voice actor as Raziel from Legacy of Kain.

I remember in DA2 I had serious issues with love interests. One is a brooding moody elf, another is a mass bombing murderer, one is a pirating hoe and the last one is innocent wannabe blood mage, like wot? But in the end I had one run with Fenris and the other one with Anders.. and in DAI, I went with Solas, but by the end I wished he was Cullen lol. I still dislike that game though, and Solas has nothing to do with it. I just hate all these retcons and this MMOish structure of quest design.

And with Astarion I love how disappointed he sounds when you tell him you just want to have some fun, rather than saying yes to losing yourself in him. Like there is definitely nuance in his writing and I love it. I just wish he had approval bound scenes like Gale (honestly that counts for all companions), since so far he has nothing, and as a goodie-two-shoes I managed to get to exceptional approval with him somehow, while resting a crapload. Went with more fun/chaotic good options while trying my best to help everyone on the way that could be helped. He seems to be slightly more agreeable than Morrigan. wink Plus all those other moments of vulnerability... ahh. Like I said, his writing is really good.

Last edited by Nicottia; 31/10/20 11:32 AM.