I am trying to stay away from this thread for the sake of my own sanity, but just to add this since some may be interested.
I noticed this earlier too but I didn't look up the concept art until now.
An example of the reverse of what tends to happen where female characters are covered up for even minor skin exposure, and I hate it too.
In-game the male version of the Githyanki armor has ugly white baggy pants which compromises the design, I dunno why they changed this with the male version.
The pants on the male version looks totally out of place imo...
I wish the devs would make the male version more accurate to the concept art too.
![[Linked Image]](https://i.ibb.co/Wxx6zkw/konstantin-porubov-gith1.jpg)
Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it.
I dunno on what planet you're living on if you actually believe that this is true.
The only games I can think of with sexualized designs are old games from like 10+ years back that are still going.
If anything the Western industry in particular is scared to death of it.
I also think that people are a bit quick to call something '' oversexualized ''.
OVERsexualized implies that it's too much and crosses some kind of a line, and I think that is highly contextual.
In a game where everyone walks around in their underwear the context of what is and isn't '' oversexualized '' is going to be very different than in a game set in a universe where everyone walks around in turtlenecks.
I really wish that people would stop throwing the accusation of '' oversexualization '' at basically anything skimpy.
And also literally only at female characters, I never see anyone call male characters even sexualized alone when they very clearly are.
Like people won't even acknowledge a character like Varus in LoL as sexualized but then they'll lose their collective minds about a tiny bit of v-neck on a female character.
People are so incredibly hypersensitive to womens bodies.
Like seriously you have almost every single modern Western game that is designed to your liking, and you're complaining.
I find that quite infuriating as someone who enjoys sexualized designs and content.
Even moreso when what I like tends to get censored so incredibly frequently now.
Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it.
Could you elaborate on whats nasty about sexy male/female look armors in a fantasy game?
This might be a cultural difference, are you American by any chance? lol. For me sexy looking does not mean X rated incredibly nude armor. Its just , you know, sexy looking. Like a sexy looking party dress.
I kinda get the stereotype about Americans when it comes to this, but I think it's a bit of an unfair assumption too.
Gaming is a global phenomenon and there are a lot of countries where women even just wearing jeans is controversial and they have access to the internet and play games too.
That's a very extreme example, but Conservative values and views in regards to sexuality and womens bodies in particular are not uncommon.
And I also think that this is the main driving force behind the more puritan trends in gaming.
It's incredibly naive to think that it's some kind of a missguided pseudo-Progressivism behind it, it has everything to do with greed and wanting to cash in on growing markets that are more Conservative than anything else.
There's very misogynistic and Authoritarian governments that quite literally police this kind of content and won't allow it within their borders.
Another reason why people defending it upsets me too is because it's not only about sexualized content in regards to women, they also police things like depictions of homosexuality, transgendered characters, politics, blood, monsters etc.
People defend and handwave this kind of censorship away a lot but they don't understand how wide it actually is and how much it's going to severely limit developers in the future, it's basically digging ones own grave.