It seems I have to wait for the final version and hope that there will be a very-very easy story mode.
I save sometimes after each combat round before I attack in the hope of improving the dice chances. But in the goblin village 4 heroes, Halsin and 15 Golbins as opponents?
I fought for 45 minutes and only 3 goblins are dead! How many hours do I have to fight?
I'm only alive because there's a door next to me and every now and then I send a hero into the next room to heal himself.
But my health potions are running low and there are 12 goblins left. It is frustrating! Of course you can see fights as puzzles, as riddles ... but fighting for hours is so boring.

Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==-
Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.