Originally Posted by Zefhyr
Originally Posted by denhonator
Unfortunately for you, the game not being exactly what you wanted from BG3 does not break any promises on Larian's side

Too many people are condescending on the forums which I regret.
Did I say it was not "exactly what I wanted" ?
I don't event know what you mean by "exactly what I wanted".

I wanted one thing, to be able to play a new BG game.
I didnt and still don't really care about the rules, the rtwp, the place the character, the colors, the whatever you want as long as it feels like a BG game.
For now, it doesn't. It may become a good game but for now, it may be not and may not become a BG game.
So yeah, Larian breaks a promise and a big one and it have nothing to do with "what I wanted".
It have to do with what they engaged themselves for.

Thing is, you don't decide what is and isn't BG. But if it doesn't feel like BG to you, that would imply you didn't get exactly what you wanted. You wanted a game that feels like BG to you, but it doesn't. However, the game is still BG no matter how you feel