Originally Posted by Evil_it_Self
Originally Posted by Firesnakearies
I went to a restaurant and they claimed to be selling "pecan pie". I love pecan pie, so I plopped down my money and ordered a big old slice of it.

I should mention that the only pecan pie I've ever actually had is my mom's pecan pie. She has a very specific family recipe for pecan pie, and it's honestly the BEST way to make pecan pie. I have a very specific idea of what pecan pie is, and in fact, must be, because I've had my mom's pecan pie many times and it is perfect.

So, reasonably, I was expecting this restaurant, claiming to be selling "pecan pie", to have ACTUAL pecan pie. Like I grew up with.

I'll bet you can guess the scam they pulled on me, can't you? That's right. These shameless crooks TOOK my money, and then they brought me out . . . something . . . on a plate. It was vaguely pie-slice shaped, and did apparently have a crust, and lots of pecans involved with it. But I took ONE bite, and immediately knew that this was NOT pecan pie. I've told you that there's only one correct pecan pie, and it's my mom's. I expected my mom's. Why would they sell some fake pecan pie that ISN'T my mom's? Why would they do that? Do they enjoy just stealing people's money?

I went ahead and ate most of the slice, anyway. But I was deeply disturbed at how different it was from the one true pecan pie, my mom's very specific recipe. After consuming most of it, I felt deep dissatisfaction, and in fact I felt lied to. Maliciously so? Possibly.

So I asked these purveyors of charlatan "pie" to return my money. They said, "But we gave you pecan pie, as you asked for. And you ate it." But I (quite patiently) explained to them that no, this was NOT pecan pie, because I grew up on pecan pie and I KNOW what it is. It's my mom's recipe. That's pecan pie. Not whatever this . . . mockery of the essence of pie was. Thus, they owed me a refund.

Because you can't just go around claiming to be selling "pecan pie" to people, and then not giving them the very specific pecan pie that they expected. That's just not right. That's just not the kind of world I want to live in.

there is just a big Wrong in your made up story , first in a normal restaurant you pay AFTER you are done.. because if what you get is "bad" you don't pay.
ya know the waitress come and ask you if its at your liking, you can say no ...... you know. tell her that this pecan pie is rotten. and you not gonna pay for it.

so if we would be comparing a video game to a restaurant, it would be MC donald's, since they ask you for your money first. and give you shit after. and only once you consumed it , you regret it after. smile

There is no BIG WRONG in his story. You are not saying you don't like pecan pie, you are insisting what you were served wasn't pecan pie. If you want to say you don't like BG3, that is certainly your right. But insisting it isn't the BG3 you were promised, is you insisting YOUR definition of BG3 is the only true definition.

Buy new Flubberguts - now with 100% more crusty corn!!!

Ingredients; Crusty Corn, Trout Guts, Skanky 'Shrooms, Rank Rhino Meat, MB3, Q7, Mud Food Coloring.

I want to return these Flubberguts, cause to me 100% more crusty corn meant 100% of the ingredients were Crusty Corn...and I was therefore cheated !!!