I'd rather give a part of my PC over to Larian and whoever they hire as voice actors with the trust that they'll convey them alright. Too much disconnect for me when the PC isn't voiced but everyone else is.

When my protagonist isn't voiced but everyone else is, they feel more like a force of nature or another observer of the story rather than a character in it. Voicing the protagonist allows Larian to give said character personality during dialog; which in turn allows NPC's to be able to react to what's present on the screen, rather than trying to predict what's in the player's head. So that issue exists whether the PC is voiced or not as long as everyone else is voiced.

And for note; I'm fine with the MC being unvoiced, so long as everything else is. Morrowind was and still is my favorite Elder Scrolls game because almost all the game's dialog was delivered through text, so there wasn't much of that disconnect. Though it was still jarring in the few scenes where there was voiced dialog. Except for that last scene where the jarringness actually fitted to get my attention. "Welcome, Moon and Star."

It's not a deal-breaker for me, I've grinned and bared many games with silent protagonists and managed to come out with an overall positive impression, but it's never overall served to help my view of the game and only ever damaged my immersion.