Originally Posted by Nicottia
Speaking of the tadpole... I have a rather convoluted question to you dataminers, which also will include some spoilers so:

Does drinking the potion Omeluum (that friendly mind flayer in the Underdark) gives the player seem to have any negative effect on possible mind control at Moonrise Towers? After all the main character does receive a special tadpole ability from repulsing Omeluum's barrier-lowering-infiltration-attempts and in turn, we do get that mind barrier ring from him to shield the tadpole from growing, now I'm asking this question, because according to the journal update - it states that 'The potion Omeluum gave us didn't work - it made the parasite stronger.' Which is why I am curious what kinds of repercussions this will have? Or does actually using the tadpole in dialogue and that repulsor ability only count towards possible 'bad ending'?

I doubt it matters (at least I hope so). Making the ending dependent on a task you couldn't predict the outcome of is not a good project.
Besides, from what I tested, Omeluum's "help" does not start a dream sequence.
Most likely, the main consequence of the quest is a ring that should protect you from mind control if you've used tadpole too often.