Originally Posted by Rhobar121
I wouldn't say. You can do the best possible animations but in the end you will most likely end up flustration when you die because you can't hit the enemy for several rounds in a row.
The vast majority of people who will buy the game probably have only contact with D&D systems in previous games (or even not).
Even if you know the rules (more or less), the need to load due to bad rng can be annoying.
In RTwP games this is not a problem but it is a turn based game.
You can complain about the changes but it cannot be said that the reason for their introduction is unfounded.

But isn't this the reason for difficulty levels? If people get frustrated at missing a lot, then they could decrease a difficulty level (where, say, all monsters have -2 or -5 AC/Saves for easy or story difficulty, respectively). Isn't this option easier, and would have less cascading effects, than adding all these ways to get advantage and hit?

Larian has a reason for making all these changes, sure. But there are still good arguments that:
1.) their reasoning is wrong (who are they to assert that "missing isn't fun"?)
2.) their implementation is poor