Originally Posted by Tuco
One tendency I honestly dislike in most titles in the genre is what I call the "christmas tree syndrome" of your outfits getting more and more TACKY and ridiculous as you start ramping up in power, plus usually showered by an inane amount of permanent magic status effects.

For instance I found this among the "datamined stuff" on reddit:

(image deleted because it hurt my eyes)

This is allegedly the "standard" +3 full plate armor in the game (and I use the term "standard" loosely, since these are supposed to be pretty damn rare in general).

Now, besides the fact that it triggers one of my most fierce idiosyncrasies in gaming (I hate fucking giant pauldrons on armors with a burning passion), who the hell wants to look like this by the end of his adventure?
Unless you are SPECIFICALLY going for "gaudy paladin that loves to embarrass himself in public".

100% Agree.