Does....does anyone actually want more surfaces? Weren't the biggest criticisms of DOSI&II about the surfaces??!!?
Wat? Surfaces is one of the most amazing things about D:OS/2. So many unforgettable fights with that, it was really awesome.
I don't know if anyone asked for more surfaces, but there is surely plenty of people who would not mind this at all and you bet there are people who would like combat to be more deterministic like D:OS2 one too.
Your second paragraph there, that's exactly my point.You can't bring up anyone who asked for more surfaces. I certainly haven't seen significant posts on the forum about wanting more surfaces. Even you, who think that "surfaces is one of the most amazing things about D:OS/2" would only "not mind" more surfaces in BG3. (For the record, I also loved the surfaces in DOS. I liked the hectic-ness and the tactics of combining surfaces.)
And yet Swen claims that people
are CRYING OUT for there to be more surfaces in the game
Really, Swen? Really? Sounds like projection to me...