Originally Posted by Tzelanit
I can't imagine any company would specifically put someone on payroll to go through these comments with a fine-toothed comb, compile a report of even the most common issues, and then sit down with anyone of importance in the company and discuss these things.

Except that many non-indie video game developers do exactly that.

Originally Posted by Tzelanit

If you think that they're listening, take a peek at what the hotfixes and patches have been thus far. Even this early in the process, it's a joke.
"Fixed a bug that less than 1% of users on a largely dead platform (Stadia) are experiencing where talking to a specific NPC with a specific item in your bag while selling a certain scroll will cause the game to crash."
"Fixed a variety of multiplayer issues, when solo players are struggling to even get things to launch or run at 15 fps despite being above minimum spec requirements."

They had to cut EA somewhere and release it. Many of the bug fixes were not from user feedback. They were known issues that they couldn't get fixed prior to launch and some of the coding was already done. Thats why they were able to fix so much so fast. In addition to that the fixed some critical errors that were affecting lots of people. Now we are in a lull where some of their team is working on content past EA and others are working on fixing bugs. But all the fixes have to be combined into a releace candidate which has to go through their QC. There is nothing out of the order here and there is nothing to indicate that they are not listening and don't care. In fact, their posts have shown just the opposite. They looked at lots of metrics and released some fun ones to us. Also look at the recent interview where they are talking about the player feedback and specific issues.

So in total, there is no evidence to support your rant and plenty to contradict it.