So the solution for this is relying on attack spells level 0 (cantrips) to recover the spell efficiency? Lol
This post was all about spell slots. Cantrips do not use it.
Just to explain some of DnD5e in case you don’t know. 99% of the spells forces a saving throw.
Please bring spells slots to the discussion which is clearly the main point of this post. Saying that cantrips help casters to feel less nerfed won’t help you.
I know you're speaking in hyperbole, but for the record / fun facts:
Total Spells in the Player's Handbook = 376
Spells that target any saving throws = 133
Spells that use attack (range/melee) = 26
There are 7 spells that fit into both categories above (i.e. make an attack and then a saving throw).
Source: D&D Beyond (Filtered by Source, Attack Type, and Saves)
Not to mention that this post is about spells slots and out of the list the there’s a huge amount of attacking cantrips which don’t use spell slots and can be casted at will.
Being hyperbolic is something tricky in here. But I guess it’s better to attack the hyperbole instead of focusing the main purpose of the OP. But for the convinence let’s take back what I’ve said and state “the great majority”
“Most damage spells are "ranged attack" not CON/DEX/STR saves. That's why Gale ends up being a Magic Missile spam boat because casters can't hit crap unless they pump DEX in addition to their main stat.“
This phrase is completely incorrect but I sympathize with your opinion because there’s the bias of BG3 and it feels correct using that as a standard.
Now, regarding Dex, even in BG3 is incorrect e.g:
Bards, sorcs, warlocks : cha
Wizards: int
This post is all abou trying to look into the future. The more you grow in levels, the less you’ll see those attacking spells compared to saving throws.
If the attribute stats remains unchanged and only ac is modified, there’ll be a huge impact in the spell efficiency.