Originally Posted by Soul-Scar

I feel you. For me stat rolls add to the roleplay element. All people are not created with 27 points to spend in attributes.

See, for me it actually subtracts from the roleplay. With point buy I can tailor the stats to my character to reflect his life choices and education up until this point. I'll absolutely sit there and make a druid with 12-14 strength or intelligence even though those are easy dump stats just based on the character I want to play.

With rolled stats a lot of that agency is taken away from you and put in the hands of RNG. And it really sucks when you have a character concept in mind but you didn't roll well enough to pull it off.

Of course that is why re-rolls exist, but at that point I don't see a clear difference between rolling and just giving players more points to spend.

Plus while not everyone is created perfectly equal, I'd argue the variance in natural talent isn't that extreme. Modern humans are specialists. We dedicate our lives to a specific career and go through years and years of training to attain the skill set needed to perform it. Generally speaking if you're a top tier neuroscientist you're not gonna run into someone who is just as good at neuroscience as you while also being an Olympic level gymnast and skilled political leader.

Granted, this is also why Batman as a character bugs me. I find his 127 blackbelts, peak human conditioning, and PHDs in a dozen or more advanced sciences to be wildly unrealistic.

But to each their own. I'm not gonna say no to an option just because I'll never use it. If anything more settings would be great so we can all tailor our experience to fit our preferences.

Last edited by SaurianDruid; 19/11/20 06:15 AM.