As a Note, Longswords are Versatile and even list the one-handed and two-handed properties but players can't pick which one. It defaults to two-handed unless a shield is equipped leaving it impossible to dual wield.

Also for the Ranger class in BG3, the class is listed as having martial weapon proficiency but upon equipping a martial weapon, like the longsword you acquire during the tutorial, you receive no stat bonuses for the weapon. This means that even thought the class has the proficiency listed, it isn't actually being applied in game.

Also the entire system for how combat works could use a better description and explanation in the tutorial. What all factors into hitting and dealing damage? At 100% chance to hit on an elevated ground above an enemy, should in theory, hit guaranteed. Instead I've noticed the game has a chance to Critical Miss, which implies that dice are coming into play. I love that the dice rolls are being implemented and used, but if they are going to be then they should be done as 5e has it. The system is already built for it. There is absolutely no reason for percentiles to hit if the dice are being rolled. Also showing the roll, just like in ability checks, would be a major boon. This would allow the player to see what exactly is going on. Instead of percentiles you could just give the player advantage or disadvantage in certain situations and set ups.