Originally Posted by roo3030
Holly shit... You Swedes still cling to your own abomination currency? Looks like it according to google. Even the French gave up the screwball franc (my gf is french)...

People, I'm now confident we can all safely ignore anything PrivateRaccoon has to say - about anything. The Swedes may have beautiful women, but don't let your guard down. They're clearly 'loose cannons' in Europe - deviants.

And I thought the French and Germans were nuts...

Oh, I do apologise for my assumption. You sounds just like my cousin though. And you're right,, by a referendum the people chose to keep the traditional currency, don't ask me why. Nostalgia I pressume. And we do have beautiful people, not just the women, I mind you. Deviants...well, we have been called the Land of Sin :P