Originally Posted by Sozz
Originally Posted by BuckettMonkey
Well, it seems to me that it is strange to add the possibility of romance with Minsc.
From the outside it may look like a poor shell-shocked big guy.
And to be honest, I think adding Minsc as a companion or origin character is not very good. So, in the fifth edition, his official statistics give him level 6, in the second part he could reach level 40. Larian will have to work hard to explain his weakening.

There's some evidence in dialogue that people who have been implanted with a tadpole are weaker than before. I don't think Minsc will be an origin character, but I haven't spoiled myself in those threads to be sure.

Separate from the data mine thread, Larian has already said in a previous AMA that all companions would be origin characters. That could change, but you should expect Minsc to be an origin character.

People keep saying that Larian are going to work hard to write around Minsc’s massive drop in level. They don’t and probably won’t. It will probably never be explained and we will just need to internally come to terms with it and move on.