I always find it funny that you can make your character as physically appealing as you like, then dump charisma to 8. I think it would be better from a utilization of other classes as well if you enjoy a physically appealing face on your character you may gravitate toward more charisma based characters. My suggestions:

1. Have players first assign stats
2. Pick race as second, because the ability bonuses are supposed to influence AFTER stat assignment
3. Pick class based on minimal scores - a wizard cannot be picked with an intel of 8 (knowing you will get an artifact later to boost your intel - how did you make it through mage school).
4. Customize your appearance based on the final charisma score - could even impact which voice we can pick.

What do you guys think?

Edit: I am aware charisma does not = attractiveness, but attractiveness does impact charisma. I am not suggesting you make characters ugly with a CH of 8, simply the options are slightly restricted compared to one with CH of 17 or 18. That is all. You could have tiers, so that (-1 vs 0 vs +3 >) you have additional options, but clearly its not popular.
I just find that Str, Dex, Con, Intel, and Wis are so much more preferred stats compared to Charisma and this would reward people picking characters with better charisma compared to another STAT. Why would you ever pick a fighter with a charisma of 10, just meta-game and dump it. That is what I don't like in D&D because there is no drawback to dumping charisma stats for characters as most of the time someone else in the party will manage the conversation and persuasion, but a low DEX or constitution impacts every fight.

Last edited by Ange; 21/11/20 10:11 PM.