Welcome to the forums. smile I get what you're saying.

I have to praise Larian for also bringing in truly awesome stuff with all the systems and player agency. Being able to cast an illusion spell to make yourself look like a Drow and actually fooling goblins is already amazing. But BG3 combat doesn't need this much "game" in it.

And by game I mean....explosive barrels and arrows, fire/poison/acid/ice/whatever surfaces, bonus action food, more actions in general, hyper vertical battlefields and ultra mobile creatures and added ranged attacks.. list goes on. Part of it feels like something out of a cartoon or platform game rather than an RPG with serious adult themes. Spiders spitting enough poison to fill a swimming pool, superhero shoves and jumps, explosions everywhere. There's too much of a mismatch between the goofy gameplay and the serious storytelling. Goofy gameplay is not the same as humor. There can be lots of humor in serious storytelling and in D&D.

These gamey elements are taking away from character building and immersion. Combat isn't about building your characters in a certain way and working as a team. Combat is about scrambling to high ground, jumping out of surfaces, shoving enemies off ledges and eating endless magic food supplies regardless of party composition and classes. Those things are overriding D&D currently. While shoving enemies off ledges and hazards are also D&D, here they have been amplified a 1000%.

And death is just a minor inconvenience, even if someone falls into a bottomless pit seemingly lost forever. Their bodies appear back at camp for a cheap res, and the game is constantly reminding you how it's just a game rather than telling a believable story.

It's hard to take any characters in the game seriously when you know you can always blow them up or push them into a hole.

Last edited by 1varangian; 25/11/20 02:06 PM.