Increase ok Hp vs Armorclass is a incredible Bad Solution and in no way a compensation.

If i do a statistic over 10.000 goblins each having 5 hitpoints (average)and an armorclass of 15. attacked by a lvl 1 warrior with an average attackbonus of 4. means he will have a Chance to Hit of 45%. Hiting with longsword for 7 (Average). ——> after 10000 attacks he killed 4500 gobos

Now 10000 goblins with 30 hp and 1 armorclass (to make it even more obvious how bad it is we even assume 100% hitchance). After 10000 attacks he killed 2000 goblins. It’s totally out of balance.

However I can of course kill 10000 with a couple barrels in Current balance state