Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by Ankou
I'd rather be a squeaky wheel who gets grease and eat humble pie honestly. Let's see if they fix the HP problem.

Humble pie can be quite nice, e.g. steak and kidney. Similarly haggis, which is delicious but I made the mistake of reading too much detail about its preparation. Don't do that, it's worse than you think.

Did you get a clockwise or counter-clockwise haggis? That's why they have four legs in a row of decreasing length from left to right. These ones run round the Scottish Hillsides in a counterclockwise manner as seen from above. If legs increase from left to right they run clockwise. This is all to do with the mating habits of the haggis, but I will say no more on that subject.

Eating haggis is a grand excuse for having a malt whisky (or 2). What's not to like.

Someone must have spiked her senna pod drink!