Originally Posted by Aishaddai
Originally Posted by Kaptin
Originally Posted by Aishaddai
Better voices for males as someone already mentioned. The main thing though, for me anyway, is body changes. It breaks my immersion to see Halsin as an elf flexing around camp. It also bothers me that fighters and probably barbarians would be the same size as a wizards and other pure spellcasters. Half casters I could understand but come on.

I could guess it has to do with mesh codes, but whatever. Let my martial classes actually look like they can fight in melee.

Look at Githyanki as a warrior and you will see how stupidly he looks in armor.

Yeah armor meshs are a pain to deal with. Personally I wont even bother with Githyanki. None baddass iconic hair and facial hair. So far none of the unique variations of Gith armor for males. The books have way better versions of Laezel's armor for males too. Even though they may not make it in, Githzarai have amazing cloths and armor. Githzarai would be the only way I'd consider playing a monk.

Female Gith benefit from the skinny look while the males suffer greatly. Gith have to be skinny, but I wish Larian would use that "creative freedom wiggle room" to help them out.

The problem is that gith should look both emaciated and athletic. Like... wiry and lean. So both have the "alien" physique (something I'm strongly pushing for, make non-humans look non-human) and look like they can swing that warhammer. Currently they are simply thin. They should also be taller than humans.

And I've said it before, but females look like princesses who couldn't lift a sword. Come on. This doesn't just go for githyanki, I think all "tall race" females share the model or at least it's extremely similar.

I'd love to see more awesome gith armour/clothing though. (If you feel like dropping some example pictures of gith armor/clothing/hairstyles by any chance, please do. :P )