Originally Posted by Warlocke
I’m enjoying your playthrough, and I don’t ever enjoy anything as a rule.

Are you planning on recruiting any companions or are you going to stick with Arwen and Imoen alone? I dig the dynamic you gave them.


I am planning on doing it as a duo for BG1, If I get to BG2 I might pick up a companion for specific quests for role playing purposes e.g. maybe Nalia for Da'rnise keep, Valgar for Planar Sphere (this would also help slow down XP progression without having to mod XP rewards lower). So If I get to SoA that would mean rushing to Spellhold early to save her which I think would fit with the sisters-dynamic im going with. Might set the gold requirement for spellhold higher to justify getting a tad more XP before going since SCS underdark as a low level duo is pretty ouch. Think I might install a couple of Tactics elements too, just for kicks. plans plans plans

As a metanote on the above playthrough I forgot how difficult Mulahey can be with SCS-Insane at low level - I coulda used the wand of frost to ice him but I forgot to identify it, whoops. I was reading a walkthrough and laughing because It was like "6 person party grind ankhegs to lvl 5 then do Nashkel." obviously with no SCS installed.