Originally Posted by Firesnakearies
I was just about to say this. Torment is a timeless masterpiece. BG2 is pretty good, for its time.

People tend to overhype Torment in the same way they do BG2. They are both excellent games, judged by the standards of their time, and they can hold their own pretty well even today as long as the player can deal with the graphics and dated gameplay.

But timeless? Eh, having played both of them relatively recently, they both show their age, though perhaps in different ways. In particular, Torment's conversation trees aren't, as a general rule, nearly as complex or meaningful as people seem to remember them being. The game has a strong narrative core and a number of NPC interactions that have a lot of branches and/or very well-written dialogue (e.g. Ravel, The Transcendent One, Pragmatic Incarnation, arguably Dak'kon). But it also suffers from the gameplay getting in the way of the story a lot. Combat is an afterthought and not all that avoidable apart from some key story moments and a substantial number of dialogue options are locked behind attribute requirements (some of them very high).

Credit where it's due, though, it *is* deeper than the BG series by a good margin and does the "gang of unique characters with crazy backstories" a lot better than BG3 (although that is partly because of its setting).