Originally Posted by Terminator2020
Cyperpunk 2077 by the way since some say it is RPG?
There does not exist a computer that can run it well on max settings. The vast majority of player believe max settings are ULTRA in Ray Tracing. Completely wrong max settings have name PSYCHO.

I think I was a bit dismissive about its RPGishness at first. I really got off to a bad start as it seems to throw players in the deep end IMHO; same with settings: it had set mine to ultra or whatever it called it which I think was beyond the ability of my ageing R9 390 to deal with. That and the default mouse settings make it feel like it has really bad mouse lag. A bit of tweaking makes it run well enough. I mean speaking as someone who gets bad motion-sickness if it doesn't.

It makes me think a lot of Saints Row (mainly 3). I'm not sure if that's what they were aiming for, but it's keeping me entertained for the time being.

Originally Posted by Terminator2020
The reason I have 2 computers? Work reasons and I have had to travel a lot due to my work.

Sometimes you just need to have separate physical computers: some things don't like to share (e.g. Windows, which is essential for PC games but which I don't use for anything else). My server and desktop systems are also a lot more frugal with power consumption...

J'aime le fromage.