It's hard to explain, exactly...

It's not about seeing, necessarily, so much as it's about knowing. Have you never gone out for the day in a cute set of lingerie, and been just that little bit buoyed up by the knowledge of it? You don't see it, no-one else sees it - but you know, and that's what matters. It's *kinda* like that, sorta... but not quite the same.

Hmm... It's also like - the sex sequences are explicitly and obviously choreographed to avoid showing what isn't there, not even for a moment - and it shows, and it's obvious, and it detracts from the experience. If the models were fully detailed, choreography for sequences could relax more, without being obviously designed around not showing those areas - it still *wouldn't*, for the most part, most likely, but if there were an occasional glimpse it would feel more authentic...

It's not an easy thing to explain, I don't think, at least not for me, but I figured I'd give it a shot and see what other opinions were.