Originally Posted by Grynner
Yeah, I'm getting the same problem. Gale finally fell under assault at the Twisted Tree. Got the pouch, followed the instructions. Wandered right next to Gale's body to use the True Resurrection scroll on him and his body is Unselectable. I cancel the spell, and suddenly I can rifle through his inventory by clicking on his body. Got close, tried the scroll again, and again, could not select Gale's body.

Now that was bloody weird!!!

I entered Turn Based Mode (spent 2 rounds and MUCH LESS DAMAGE RECIEVED trying to select Gale's Body with the True Res scroll. No dice.

SO I wandered over to our favorite Rogue's body and used the scroll on him.
And Guess what???

DId our surly Elven (Spoiler) Rogue get revived? No!!! Gale did.

So I'm sitting here thinking.....Yeah...this is *Most Definitely* A BUG in Patch 3.

Yours sounds like a different issue. OPs issue is that you can only use revivify scrolls on people on your team, and if he's hostile to you, then he's not on your team. Did Gale die on some complex collision? Did you have Glut or Halsin on your team? A couple times I've seen the revivify target location be separate from a body when they're killed by a blow that also makes their body fall off something, but clicking on a different person entirely is interesting.