>What are you even trying to say here?
that a masculine woman is masculine... for a woman and probably sitll a lot less masculine than a very effeminate man.

>If you put a bunch of feminine men and a bunch of masculine men into the same unit the dynamic will also be different
a feminine man will be pushed in the same way as a non feminine man. a woman will be treated differently.
Ive seen it happen firsthand in the military.

>Individuals also have different biology.
and the biology between a man and a woman is more different than that between individual men and women.
this is also probably not awfully controversial.
Humans have phenotypical differences but that doesnt erase millions of years of evolution through different evolutionary pressures and sexual selection.
>Blindly follow biology
you can try to defy it, i never made a statement about human INTENT.
Point is tho, youll quickly realize that when a man acts more like a woman, he wont start thinking like one and the change in his behaviour would have to be intentional.

>Dusk horseman
beeing nice isnt always a good quality. Neither is not criticising anyone or not taking charge.

>Dude, you are so full of it. You used the phrase "Evolutionary Psychology"
slip up on the second one.
google it, Evoltuionary psychology is a real thing and just because you never heard of it doesnt mean its not real.
Wait till you hear about game theory, then youll start to think the world has gone mad.
There, in case you somehow believe that this is something that only exists on youtube or the like.

>As a woman
>I really hope, we won't get an Aerie or a Viconia again.

And i wish you best of luck grappling with a fanbase that genuinly holds up Viconia as one of the, if no thte most memorable characters of the franchise and her romance as the gold standard in CRPG romances.

i also genuinly apreciate you putting words in my mouth.
But it also reveals some things. As far as im concerned, showing vulnerability to people that are close to you is a sign of maturity, not anything else.
But if that makes you feel threatened, i will immediatly stop talking about this when Chick flicks stop featuring men that have no personality ouside of beeing determined and falling over themselves for a plain woman with no redeeming qualities other than beeing the viewer self insert, oh yeah and the part where he always has to be filthy rich and good looking.

have it your way. But i can still enjoy watching the Nanny without feeling attacked.

Last edited by Sordak; 23/12/20 01:41 PM.