Originally Posted by Kadajko
[quote=KillerRabbit]That escalated quickly.

I know you want to have fun but be careful with posts like that, because often it attracts the attention of mods as if something is going wrong in the thread, when in reality ( I'd like to think ) we are just calmly discussing things like adults, even if controversial. I've seen so many threads locked, so many sads.
Yes I was trying to have fun but I was also trying to say that something was going wrong in the thread. So yes "just joking" but also, no, really, I'm not joking.

If I opened then thread hoping to see a discussion about companion personalities and was instead greeted by a discussion about sexual assault I would be upset. It's easy for me to have a calm discussion about such issues because I've never been assaulted but I've met people who have and have strong negative reactions to such discussions. I wasn't trying to call a mod (never once in my internet life have I flagged a post) but I was suggesting that the conversation deserved its own thread with an appropriate title.

The mods here are actually pretty tolerant -- one seems more inclined to lock and another more inclined to move and merge and I don't think a move / merger would be a bad thing. And I say this as someone who has a talent for getting banned.

Black Elk is valiantly trying to get us back on topic so I'll leave it there. Can I resist the temptation to discuss gender essentialism -- dc15 . . . Yes! I rolled a 17! See you all in the new thread.

Again, I want to see a Mazzy sort. Someone strong and optimistic, someone who compliments the party, someone who reminds the MC to do the right thing, who performs religious devotions from time to time . . .

Last edited by KillerRabbit; 23/12/20 06:53 PM.