Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Bruh
How is having 18 INT OP? You do realize you can start with 18 INT naturally right?
Should we ban having 18 INT?
Balance is truly the cancer of videogames.

Starting with 18 int is not OP,even if it's not possible in BG3... But "starting" (lvl 4) with 18 in more than 1 ability is OP. Especially if you have 16 in 2 others...

What's the point about "balance" ?
If you want a cheat mode just use cheat code.
If you want an easy game play an easy game mode.

That's not a problem for anyone... But if every characters can soon have OP abilities, where's the fun of building our characters when they level up ?

Larian is not building the game around people doing that, so if you don't like it - just don't use it - and you get your fun back.