Hmmmmmmmm, you sure about that?

I am pretty sure this "Aboleth" creature is part of the game's universe.
And there were some kind of people who created the first gods, or... more gods(?) to overthrow their enslavers.
Which where the Aboleths!

Of course I know the story of the Elven Pantheon (by now, lol)
and how all the different kinds of Elves came to be.
But all the others... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Racism is always 100% though.
In our real world just used to define the ability to simply see people as different due to their genetical heritage, which they have and cannot be denied.
Often mistaken for "race hatred" when you just count facts up.
Just because some people cannot deal with it and cry "racism" as in "race hate".
Which are entirely different things.

So basically the "normal-ness" of the Tieflings in the Grove is bad?
They must praise the nine Hells instead and call us normal Mortals losers? grin
Naaaaah that can't be it. ^_^

I dunno about the looks which indeed differ greatly from what I saw in other Forgotten realms videogames - but I doubt that there is some kind of behaviour code for Tieflings.

From what I heard Tieflings have infernal heritage in themself.
But they are half non-devil, just like a Cambion actually.
° But Tieflings feel no loyalty to the nine Hells.
° Cambions on the other hand do.

Why that is? Beh, who knows?

Last edited by JustAnotherBaldu; 29/12/20 11:39 PM.